Friday, October 26, 2007

Dear Anna, I was wrong for judging your hate for Primates... You were right. Hah.


I don't see why we don't give things like MONKEYS KILLING HUMANS more attention in the media... apparently this monkey business (haha monkey mafia) has been going on for quite some time now... and of course... like every issue... the only way for it to break into the major media is for some kind of famous mother fucker with lots of influence to be a victim of some heinous act of primates!

When it comes down to it though, are humans really the victims? Shit, are we ever the victims? We are the perpetuators of just about every little fucked up thing on this planet... so hooray for the fucking douche bag monkeys... it's about fucking time... considering that we killed off your hominid species a long time ago and kept you down for so long, it's about time you stood up. BITCHES.

And it is true. Monkeys are bitches... they primarily go for Women and Children as their victims... and despite how many passers-by in cities that have become overrun by different kinds of monkeys from the area are harassed by the bravest of the monkeys they are still very much scared of grown men, while wild monkeys are often scared of humans in general...

NEW DELHI, INDIA - This is the only place where the major media has focused the tiniest amount of attention towards the "urban primate rebellion" (no it's not really called that). Apparently, very recently the Mayor of this city "New Delhi" fell off of his balcony this past Saturday and suffered major head injuries and was attacked by wild city monkeys... he died from the attacks and the fall the next day... wow that's something.

There had been reports from this city of the monkeys raiding government buildings - to steal food and rip up documents - ah priceless...

maybe I can train a monkey to rip up the patriot act... oh wait... sorry, Dick Cheney already did that with primate George W. Bush... only thing was that he was trained to trash the constitution... my mistake... sorry Republicans... Oh Yeah, and since your for the NORTH AMERICAN ALLIANCE why don't you also copy right that so people from Mexico and Canada have to pay to use that idea? Capitalist Bastards... Intellectual Property BULLSHIT.

Any how, efforts are currently being made to clean up the monkeys and move them back to their jungly-full habitats that we'll probably destroy within the next decade anyhow (if nukes don't do it for us.. Humans don't destroy the world... nukes and economic progress do!!! HAHA) .. and well I suppose those people can handle the primate problem... Isn't that how it works? Always passing your problems down for future innocent generations to have to handle and suffer for... thanks a lot for your disgusting planet mom and dad.


I have to say that I have recently been fooled by certain news reports' wordings of the actions of moneys... When they said monkeys were sexually harassing women and children I seriously thought that the Monkeys were raping them... not exactly...

apparently these primates make "lewd gestures" (basically jacking off) at Kenyan women/children and sometimes tourists around areas where these monkeys have become accustomed to human neighbors... these actions often occur even more frequently whenever men (who the monkeys are still scared of, despite close encounters) are not around to see.

Well think about it... what makes Humans and these monkeys different from all of the other animals? WE HAVE FREAKIN HANDS!! I'm sure if other animals had hands they'd be jacking off all the time too... what else is there to freakin do for them?
The difference is that Humans have the capacity to talk and therefore create more strict and more comprehensive/well-known social standards... (which of course has always been subject to change) and that standard is that public masturbation is (fun and) unacceptable... and to religious nuts (which remember these organized, well-planned religions came around the same time as settlement and language) have tought other humans to be ashamed of sexual desire... Obviously, Monkeys haven't been taught that (thank god) and I think it is ridiculous that Faux News spoke of certain government-type associations "confronting" these monkeys about their "unorthodox" behavior.

I can't believe some of the Bullshit faux news says and it's no wonder that they recently proved in an interview with Ron Paul that they even doubt the intellegence of their own viewers... they also did this when the Simpsons Movie came out - claiming that they worried their viewers wouldnt be able to tell the difference between the actual Faux News Reports and the satirical mock-fox news reports done in the simpsons movie (very funny)

I cannot HTML the video directly into the post (it's not copying and pasting the whole thing and I am wondering if this has been disabled by the creater for a reason

but here is link to this video :
Creator - LiberalViewer

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